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Our Partners


We are grateful for the ongoing support from our partner organisations, past and present without whom we would not be able to carry out much of our work.  Should you wish to work with us as a partner, please get in touch by email, or come visit us at the office in Tamale.


Tzedek is a UK-based charity which aims to provide a Jewish response to global poverty. Tzedek have been working with NDA since 2007, when Tzedek volunteers worked at NDA for summer placements. Since then, Tzedek has funded one NDA project, micro-credit schemes in the communities of Kpalsogu and Daasuyili.

The Trull Foundation

The Trull Foundation is an American donor agency located in Palacios, Texas. NDA has been a partner since 2008, having funded a project advocating women's rights in Nyankpala.

Irish Aid

We have been partners the Irish embassy since 2005. They funded two water and sanitation projects, both in the Karaga district in Northern Ghana.

FIDA Ghana

FIDA Ghana are an organization which was established to provide legal and children support. We have worked with them since 2006, where they have acted as watchdogs in our communities, providing legal support to our beneficiaries.

PLEASE NOTE: This is just a slection of four of our partners from many.  We work with other organisations who we have not displayed on this page.  If you are a partner and would like to be represented here, please contact us.

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